I Trust You

I'm rooting for you sis,

From the moment I met you, I trusted you.

I trust your intuition

You didn't know it at the time, but you held so much knowledge. I best supported you, because I followed your lead. It was that feeling in your stomach, that you could not shake. You have this innate ability, that helps you figure out what's best for you.

I trust your body

You didn't know it at the time, but you knew exactly how to birth your baby. When you could not speak, I listened to what your body was saying, what your moans & groans said- I followed your lead. You gave it your all and brought life into this world.

I trust you

When I first met you, I knew you in a way, you hadn't come to know yourself. I knew you would do what felt right in the moment and your decisions would always be right.

I don't call you sis lightly, as it truly means something to me. From our hour long talks, our jokes, our many facial expressions and braiding your hair- these are moments that sisters share.

You gave your all to birth Jace, and you made it look easy.

I trust you because you had the answers all along. You are enough, and you always have been. I could support you, because I could follow your lead.

I wasn't putting on a head wrap that day,

I was adjusting your crown.

📷 husband & @ohexperience